Brice Goglin escribió:
> On Fri, Jun 22, 2007 at 11:50:51AM +0200, Christian Pinedo Zamalloa wrote:
>> I'm running a Debian Testing updated. Now i use KDE as windows manager
>> and not fulbox. Anyway, I have run fluxbox and I have the same problem.
>> After 3 seconds without doing nothing the screen goes black. If I press
>> buttons or move the cursor I don't get a black screen but after three
>> seconds of inactivity again a black screen.
>> In KDE I don't have this problem and if I use the driver vesa i don't
>> have the problem neither in KDE nor in Flubox.
> Could you send the output of 'xset q' (especially the 4 DPMS lines at the end)
> in all these cases? I wonder whether fluxbox might be changing the DPMS config
> for some reason while KDE would not. Note that vesa seems to have problems
> with DPMS right now (does not work at all here), it might explain why the
> screen never goes black in this case.
> Also note that your screen seems to report no DPMS capability
>   intel(0): No DPMS capabilities specified; RGB/Color Display
> which looks surprising for a recent laptop.
> In fluxbox, if you do 'xset dpms 10 20 30', does the screen wait 10 seconds
> instead of 3 before going black?

You are right. I used an .fluxbox/startup obtained from Internet that
had a very low values of dpms fixed by "xset dpms" command. Also as you
said the vesa seems to have problems with dpms. So, there's no bug in
i810 driver but I had a bad configuration file. I'm sorry.


Christian Pinedo Zamalloa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I2T Research Group - Telematic Engineering Area
Departament of Electronic & Telecommunications
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
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