On Sun, 12 Aug 2007 23:21:05 +0100
Neil Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> (Gee, another 6 dependencies - that's just what I needed for an
> embedded X11 system.) :-(

Actually, can those new dependencies be removed by tweaking ./configure
during the cross-build? What do they provide in the package in
experimental that is not part of the package in unstable?

Regarding the original bug:
The only other method is a complete duplicate build - build once with:
dpkg-buildpackage -a $(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)
copy makekeys (or makekeys output) into the new tree
dpkg-buildpackage -a $(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)

This would then involve creating new targets in debian/rules that make
this duplicate build as small as possible (matching how OpenEmbedded
build packages like these).

I hope you can see that this is also a Debian-only fix.

I have not been able to make either of your suggestions actually work
without using 'override' and I currently cannot see any way of creating
a sane patch suitable for upstream - barring generating the output of
makekeys BEFORE release and incorporating it into the actual release.
(i.e. a duplicate build where the first part of the build is actually
done prior to release and is never done again for the life of
the .orig.tar.gz). OK, it makes the released tarball larger but
certainly for Emdebian, that is inconsequential - we care about the
size of the cross-built binaries, not the release tarball.

Is the *output* of makekeys actually architecture-dependent?

Other packages in the same situation (fontconfig), simply use utilities
like this for the sake of upstream convenience - any parser would do,
it just so happens that upstream chose a compiled language instead of
an interpreted language to convert the input of the utility (which is
presumably easier to edit) into a format suitable for inclusion
directly into the source code for compilation (which is usually hard to

I will investigate the duplicate build option ("staging") later this


Neil Williams

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