Package: xterm
Version: 229-1

Running: Debian Testing
Kernel: 2.6.22

Running who -a freezes the terminal window, see below:

ca       + pts/18       2007-08-18 18:42 00:03        6240 (:1.0)
           pts/19       2007-08-25 09:59              6244 id=p19   term=0 
ca       + pts/20       2007-08-18 18:42  old         6248 (:1.0)
ca       + pts/21       2007-08-18 18:42  old         6252 (:1.0)
bob      + pts/23       2007-08-03 13:46  old         3107 (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
bob      + pts/24       2007-08-25 10:07   .          1717 (xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxx)
           l4:0         2007-08-10 19:32                 0 id=:Ô
                                                               ^ it stops
                                                                 printing here

Running the same command with rxvt works fine.


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