On 2007-09-23 19:46 +0200, Mohammed Adnène Trojette wrote:
> I forwarded your bug upstream. And upstream is asking to try commenting
> the lines
>     key <SUPR> {        [ NoSymbol, Super_L     ]       };
>     modifier_map Mod4   { <SUPR> };
> in symbols/pc
> (please see http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12526)

There appears to be absolutely no effect. Xmodmap still reports
the same broken configuration. Not that I have a symbols/pc file
either, but symbols/pc/pc.

(No, I can't be arsed to register on the webshit known as bugzilla
to reply there. Projects that only provide webshit contact for reporting
bugs, apparently do not want to know of them. That is why I originally 
reported this with Debian's reportbug.)


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