On Sat, Dec 08, 2007 at 01:11:10PM +0100, Brice Goglin wrote:
> Pigeon wrote:
> > Looking at the source code for xserver-xorg-input-mouse it seems that this
> > behaviour is a gross overreaction to the reception of a spurious z-axis
> > packet from the mouse.
> >
> >         if (pMse->negativeW != MSE_NOAXISMAP) {
> >                     switch (pBuf[3] & 0x0f) {
> >                     case 0x00:          break;
> >                             case 0x01: dz =  1; break;
> >                             case 0x02: dw =  1; break;
> >                             case 0x0e: dw = -1; break;
> >                             case 0x0f: dz = -1; break;
> >                             default:
> >                                 xf86Msg(X_INFO,
> >                                     "Mouse autoprobe: Disabling secondary 
> > wheel\n");
> >                                     pMse->negativeW = pMse->positiveW = 
> >                     }
> >         }
> >
> > So, if it receives any z-axis data that it does not understand, it does not
> > simply ignore it, it immediately and for no reason nukes the secondary 
> > wheel,
> > and moreover does this in such a way that it also destroys any wheel 
> > remapping,
> > with the result that it also destroys my vertical wheel. This is very rude.
> >
> > So I am currently testing the following patch, which simply reports and then
> > ignores the spurious packet, instead of making my mouse unusable.
> >
> >   
> I will report your problem upstream. Does both wheels work very fine
> with your patch?
> (apart from some "unrecognized packet" warnings in the Xorg log)

Because of the intermittent nature of the problem the warning has only
appeared once since I installed the patch, but it has indeed occurred,
and both wheels are still working fine. As far as I can tell there is
no problem.


Be kind to pigeons        - -        Pigeon's Nest: http://pigeonsnest.co.uk/
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