On Tue, Dec 18, 2007 at 06:40:13PM +0100, Loïc Minier wrote:
> Package: xterm
> Version: 229-1
> Severity: normal
>         Hi,
>  Got a surprizing issue with grep colored output today; it seems that if
>  coloring starts around the end of the line, the last char is chopped.
>  e.g.:
>  echo "                                                                       
>         1234" | grep --color=auto '[1-9]'
>  (80 spaces and 1234)
>  displays ... nothing.

Surprising things happen (with VT100 emulators) when you send control
characters at the right-margin.  I documented one of those some time
ago in vttest:

        add a demo of some of the VT100 autowrap behavior to menu 1.
(it demonstrates that gnome-terminal doesn't do wrapping the way a VT100

My more-detailed note in vttest says

    * main.c:
    add some tests for DECAWM to the menu-1 series.  This exercises some of the
    boundaries observed and compared with dxterm and DEC's manuals:  wrapping
    only occurs when a graphic character is written to the right margin and
    followed immediately by another graphic character.  Writing a backspace
    or other control causes it to lose interest in wrapping.

>  If I add more spaces or remove some, I see most of 1234 in red,
>  but it's sometimes chopped at the end of the line.
>  gnome-terminal works fine with the same test cases.

gnome-terminal works differently, but some analysis is needed to say
whether it (or xterm) "works fine".  For a quick check, I notice that
it's displaying the first "1" one column too early (it shouldn't appear
on column 80, as I see it doing on my screen ;-).  unsurprisingly, konsole
has the same defect.

rxvt does a little better, showing the "234" on the next line, and
nothing on the first line.  pterm acts like rxvt (however, pterm's
wrapping behavior is known to differ from xterm's ;-).

grep is sending lots of interesting control characters at the right-margin.
_After_ it passes the 80-spaces, it sends this (in readable form):


xterm (even the 10-year-old X11R6 xterm) doesn't wrap.  That's because
it's seeing this sequence of operations:

        set SGR for color - well that may apply to the next text.
        erase from the current position (we're "after" column 80),
        and then write a "1" (this is saved for the moment because
        we won't try writing the "1" until the _next_ graphic character
        forces the wrapping to proceed).
        unset the SGR (no matter - we haven't used it)
        erase from the current position.  Hmm: we haven't moved the cursor,
        so this only succeeds in erasing the pending character which was
        saved to possibly display on the next line.

repeat indefinitely - no visible output.

On the positive side, gnome-terminal's had this bug for quite a while.
It's a bug in gnome-terminal, since its documentation claims:

        Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220,
        and xterm terminals

If its wrapping behavior were documented, one could conceivably call it
a feature.  But it's not matching the VT100 wrapping behavior.

Thomas E. Dickey

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