On 17/04/08 19:13, Brice Goglin wrote:
>>     Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1680 x 1050, maximum 2048 x 2048
>>     VGA connected 1680x1050+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 
>> 473mm x 296mm
>>        1680x1050      60.0*+
> Is this the exact mode supported by your monitor?

Yes; it is a TFT panel, and this is its native resolution.

> Can you compare the
> Modeline issued in Xorg.0.log for this resolution and refresh when
> booting with VGA plugged (i.e. when [EMAIL PROTECTED] works) and when booting
> without and plugging VGA later (i.e. when [EMAIL PROTECTED] does not work)?

Having booted without VGA, plugging it in later (so the external screen
does not work), these are the lines of Xorg.0.log mentioning 1680 (with
some context):

(II) intel(0): Supported VESA Video Modes:
 ... [some modes] ...
(II) intel(0): Supported Future Video Modes:
 ... [some other modes] ...
(II) intel(0): #5: hsize: 1680  vsize 1050  refresh: 60  vid: 179
 ... [some more modes] ...
(II) intel(0): Supported additional Video Mode:
(II) intel(0): clock: 146.2 MHz   Image Size:  473 x 296 mm
(II) intel(0): h_active: 1680  h_sync: 1784  h_sync_end 1960 h_blank_end
2240 h_border: 0
(II) intel(0): v_active: 1050  v_sync: 1053  v_sync_end 1059 v_blanking:
1089 v_border: 0
(II) intel(0): Ranges: V min: 56  V max: 76 Hz, H min: 30  H max: 82
kHz, PixClock max 210 MHz
(II) intel(0): Monitor name: Acer AL2216W
 [lots of "not using default mode" lines, including]
(II) intel(0): Not using default mode "1680x1050" (bad mode
(II) intel(0): Printing probed modes for output VGA
(II) intel(0): Modeline "1680x1050"x60.0  146.25  1680 1784 1960 2240
1050 1053 1059 1089 -hsync +vsync (65.3 kHz)
 ... [then during EDID for LVDS:]
(II) intel(0): Not using default mode "1680x1050" (exceeds panel dimensions)

When booting with VGA attached (so the external screen works), the only
difference seems to be:

(II) intel(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
(II) intel(0): Modeline "1680x1050"x0.0  146.25  1680 1784 1960 2240
1050 1053 1059 1089 -hsync +vsync (65.3 kHz)
(II) intel(0): Modeline "1680x1050"x60.0  146.25  1680 1784 1960 2240
1050 1053 1059 1089 -hsync +vsync (65.3 kHz)

So in addition to the 60Hz modeline, a 0Hz modeline appears to be
produced.  But, it does not appear in the list of "probed modes for
output VGA"; only the 60Hz one does.

I have saved a copy of the text appended to the log after plugging in
VGA and running xrandr in the first case, and the corresponding section
in the second case; would you like me to attach them to this bug?

> Just in case, you might want to remove HorizSync and VertRefresh above.
> And the "Modes" line below may be dropped too.

I have deleted those lines; nothing seems to have changed as a result.


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