On Tue, 2008-07-15 at 19:34 +0200, Brice Goglin wrote:
> Bryce Harrington wrote:
> > xorg-options-editor
> > -------------------
> > In Hardy we implemented an early version of the new xrandr-enabled
> > Screen Resolution tool.  While it was generally well received, it lacks
> > a lot of advanced functionality.
> My feeling about RandR-GUI is that many people want to write a new one
> from scratch but nobody completes it or even maintains it in the end. I
> have been very disappointed by grandr (segfaults...) and urandr
> (upstream already dead?). I'd really like to have a good one. I don't
> really care about modify driver/server options, but RandR 1.2 really
> needs a good GUI for all our users.

I'm the author of URandR and of xorg-options-editor.

URandR is not dead, I decided to rewrite it and it currently detects the
screens and updates the GUI but can't apply the settings. I can work on
it however (currently) I'm very busy with my other projects.

One thing which I'm working on with Bryce is the Screen Resolution tool
(originally created by a Fedora developer). The plan is to extend the
functionality of this RandR GUI so that it can calculate and set the
required virtual resolution (through X-Kit and PolicyKit) in order to
set up multiple screens xinerama style when the framebuffer is not
enough. I did it in Python. Bryce will deal with the C code.

Here's a screencast of how it works:

The code is in my PPA:

a simple apt-get install screen-resolution-extra should install x-kit as
a dependency. Then all you will have to do is type:

python /usr/share/screen-resolution-extra/policyui.py 0,0:1024x768
1024,0:1280x1024 0,768:1024x768

and you will have the virtual resolution in your xorg.conf.

> What kind of xorg.conf modification does these tools need?
> I wonder how all this would interact with the Debian installer which
> currently tries to setup an almost empty xorg.conf. Modifying an almost
> empty xorg.conf requires a very good knowledge of the server default
> behavior if we don't want to break 10 things when adding a section to
> add a single option.
> I wonder if it would be easier to bypass xorg.conf completely and make
> the server query some external database at startup like input-hotplug
> does for device configuration.
> Brice

As regards xorg-options-editor,

* each graphics card represented by a Device section in the xorg.conf
will appear in the treeview. If no device section is found then we can
detect the available graphics cards and create empty Device sections for

* when you click on a device in the treeview you will see all the
options from its respective Device and Screen section. X-Kit makes it
easy to find the relationship between Screen and Device sections. If no
Screen sections are available, and an option to the Screen section must
be added then a new Screen section (linked to a specific Device section)
will be created.

No such thing as breaking the xorg.conf should happen with X-Kit.

Here's a brief screencast:


Alberto Milone

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