On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 14:49:41 -0700, Michael Donner wrote:

> Hello Julien,
> the issue is still not solved.
> It is true that I didn't answer to the prevoius email. I regret. 
> I could not try again since the OS was installed on a clients computer, due 
> to, as you probably know, the saying: "Never touch a running system".
> So this forms a nice circle: I can't retry installation until it the issue is 
> not solved, and it _may_ be fixed by some unspecific change in the kernel. So 
> what would justify an attempt to install when it is not clear that the issue 
> is fixed?
If you can get us logs from a system with the issue and recent software,
then we can forward that report upstream and get some help.  If not,
there's really not much we can do about it :/


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