On Mon, 17 May 2010, The Anarcat wrote:

On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 07:44:57PM -0400, Thomas Dickey wrote:
(by the way, patch #258 simply plugs a hole which seems that it should
have appeared in #256 or before, the changes in this bug report come from #257)

(Yes, I have marked 256 as not affected because it's the version I know
as working, 257 may also be affected by the bug, I haven't tested it.)

This report sounds like two bugs:

a) patch #257 introduces a binding for Scroll_Lock.  While I did make the 
   configurable (a compile-time ifdef could remove it entirely, or a resource 
   disable most of the feature), I overlooked the fact that other people would 
   using this orphaned key as well.

I see.

yes... if I'd considered that aspect, I'd have defaults the resource to false.

   For a quick workaround - if you set allowScrollOps resource to false, is the
   intercept of the key still interfering with your use of it?

Yes, that doesn't fix the problem:

XTerm*allowScrollOps: false
UXTerm*allowScrollOps: false

sorry for the confusion - I did correct my typo in a followup.

The resource is allowScrollLock:

       allowScrollLock (class AllowScrollLock)
               Specifies  whether  control sequences that set/query the Scroll
               Lock key should be allowed, as well as whether the Scroll  Lock
               key responds to user's keypress.  The default is "true."

   (if it is still interfering, I'll have to make the feature configurability
   different, e.g., by deciding whether to add it to the translations 

(I'm not sure what the "translations" are, but I feel this should be
fixed in the next release, regardless of the way of doing it. removing
it entirely until a better fix is found would be the option I would
suggest, but then I am in a rather biased position. :P I would say
however that I'll switch away from xterm if this issue isn't fixed. As
things stand, I run the older version because the situation is rather
intolerable. :)

I noticed something else with the bug. Hitting scroll lock doesn't
"unfreeze" the terminal (it doesn't remove the lock). But focusing out
of the window, hitting scroll lock, and focusing back again *does* fix
the issue. So it's as if the scroll lock status was read only when
focusing in our out of the window. This seems like the wrong way to do
things in my opinion: xterm should just catch "keydown" events on that

I agree that if it did that, then you probably would not see the problem at all, since your keyboard configuration is apparently not passing the keypresses.

The focus aspect came about because if there is more than one terminal on the screen, it's unclear (otherwise) to which terminal the scroll lock applies. (In development I considered instead clearing the scroll lock when exiting a window, but found this to work inconsistently). But sensing the LED light on entry to the window seems to work well enough.

On the other hand, the focus aspect is supposed to go away when the resource is false.

xterm would still be passed an event (which it discards) when the resource is false. I'm uncertain whether this event would interfere with your use
of the ScrollLock key - which is why I asked about the workaround.

Arguably, if Xorg is handling scroll lock through XKB, it shouldn't let
that keypress propagate further either...

b) the scroll-lock feature doesn't work with fast-scrolling.

   Fixing this may take more time than (a), so I'm inclined to focus on being 
   to enable/disable the feature with low impact.

I would like this issue to be processed in a seperate bug report, as it
is unrelated to this one, AFAIK.


La nature n'a cr?? ni ma?tres ni esclaves
Je ne veux ni donner ni recevoir de lois.
                       - Denis Diderot

Thomas E. Dickey

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