On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 17:53:37 +1000, Christopher James Halse Rogers wrote:

> Hi all,
> I understand that it Bryce's habit to give the Debian XSF a heads up on
> the plans that Ubuntu have for the X stack each release.  As Bryce is
> off hacking on Launchpad this release, I'll be responsible for X this
> cycle.  So here's my attempt at a “heads up” email!
Thanks for this.

> I'd like to ensure that we don't unnecessarily duplicate work.  I get
> the impression that Squeeze will be freezing sometime relatively soon,
> so I'd guess that you don't want these mesa and X versions in Sid, but
> would experimental be appropriate?  I've had good experiences in the
> past with the Debian-mono team, and while X is a bit more tied to
> platform specifics I'd like to get as much as possible done in Debian.
That's great to hear :)

> I can easily test-build against Debian and do some limited testing, and
> encourage others to do so, but that might not be sufficient.  If that
> isn't regarded as sufficient then we can try and ensure our changes are
> easily merged with git.  I've somewhat been watching on the sidelines
> before now - what would you find most helpful?
I've been encouraging people to commit stuff that's not ubuntu specific
directly to the debian branches on git.debian.org, and I think that's
worked out quite well.  I think it'd be nice to use experimental as much
as possible during the maverick cycle, so we don't find ourselves with
huge diffs after the squeeze release.

> So, without further ado, here's what we're aiming for in the next Ubuntu
> release:
> * Planned versions:
> We aim for xserver 1.9 and mesa 7.9.  These are fairly aggressive
> targets, and we'll want to track git and pre-releases quite closely.  
I think we can easily use experimental for this until the squeeze

> We'll be on a 2.6.35 kernel, so we'll have the new 0.0.16 nouveau ABI
> which will be reflected in our libdrm packages.
Now that linux 2.6.34 is in experimental we'll probably want to have a
newer libdrm and nouveau driver there as well.  Sven, would you like to
get this uploaded?

> For intel, we're looking at 2.11 or potentially 2.12.

Sounds fine as well (we already have 2.11 in experimental, moving to
2.12 when it's released would make sense I think).

> * Packaging changes:
Those seem mesa related, I don't have much clue about all this so I'll
defer to Michel :)


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