Hi Yves,

I'm running into a very similar issue as the original submitter,
however, when I'm running into it, I am *not* using the nVidia binary
driver, but I am using a custom 5.15.44 kernel for a Raspberry Pi.
What I found after digging for quite a while, was that, yes,
downgrading to 1.26 would start Xorg, and upgrading to 1.32 would
cause it to not start Xorg.  After diffing the contents between 1.26
and 1.32, it seems that the option "logind-check-graphical" has
changed from the default of false, to a default of true.

Simply adding in


under the [LightDM] heading in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf shows it as
starting again.  This happened for me on both Pi3 and Pi4, armhf and
arm64.  I'm not entirely sure why this is the case, and the kernel
hasn't changed on these devices since 2022-07-03 when we last built
the kernel for them.  Perhaps the original submitter could also see if
changing that option works for them with the nVidia binary driver?

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