Le dim, 17 oct 1999, vous écrivîtes :
> root wrote:
> > 
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I have just installed Linux Mandrake on a server. I have two problems :
> > 
> > 1) I use IBM SCSI disk. I cannot write on the boot sectors to boot
> > directly with LILO during installation.
> > What's on ? How booting on the hard disk ?
> I often get this problem. To solve it, I first create a
> floppy to boot and afterwards, I modify lilo.conf. The
> reason is that apprently, the installation sofwtare try to
> install sections related to non system partitions which are
> then rjected by lilo (I am not sure of my explanation, but
> it worked for me).
> Have fun,
> Pierre

 He is  a poor lonesome cow-boy ....
perdu on a french list ;-))

André Salaün

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