Personne ne peut m'aider sur ce coup là ?.

     SVP, un peu d'aide sinon je doit retourner sous windows ... :-(

----- Original Message -----
From: "Annette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2003 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: [debutant] Problème d'installation WUSB11 ver.2.6 adaptater
WiFi (b) de linksys

Quelle version de mandrake?
Sur un portable ou via un adaptateur?
La carte est elle detectée dans le mcc?


Le samedi, 24 mai 2003, à 11:04 Europe/Paris, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
a écrit :

> Bonjour je viens d'acheter l'ensemble ci-dessous :
> Router + point d'accès WiFi avec adaptateur USB Wifi (b), tout cela de
> chez
> en version 2.6
> display.asp?dlid=435&osid=7&biggie=big_wusb11v26.jpg
> Il n'y a pas de driver par défaut pour Linux :-( pour la version 2.6
> En cherchant un peu, on en trouve pour la version 2.5 au lien suivant :
> La construction des drivers est en fait pris en charge par ce projet :
> J'ai donc récupérer la dernier version des drivers proposés ici :
> pre5.tar.gz
> et le guide d'installation est ici :
> dont en voici le résumé :
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------------------
> Building linux-wlan-ng:
> 1)  untar the package using the command:
>     tar zxvf linux-wlan-ng-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
> 2)  Make sure you have configured kernel and (optionally) pcmcia
> sources on
>     your system.  Note that if you are _only_ building the prism2_pci,
>     prism2_plx, or prism2_usb drivers you don't need the pcmcia-cs
>     source tree.
> 3)  To configure the linux-wlan-ng package, run 'make config'.  The
>     following set of questions will be asked. The default answer is in
>     braces (e.g. []).  Just press <Enter> to select the default answer:
>    - "Build Prism2.x PCMCIA Card Services (_cs) driver? (y/n) [y]: "
>         Select "y" if you want to build the Prism PCMCIA driver.
>         If you select "n", the PCMCIA related questions below
>         will not be asked.
>    - Build Prism2 PLX9052 based PCI (_plx) adapter driver? (y/n) [y]:
>         Select "y" if you want to build the Prism driver for
>         PLX PCI9052 PCI/PCMCIA adapter based solutions.
>    - Build Prism2.5 native PCI (_pci) driver? (y/n) [y]:
>         Select "y" if you want to build the Prism driver for
>         Prism2.5 ISL3874 based native PCI cards.  This includes
>         PCI add-in cards and the mini-pci modules included in some
>         notebook computers (but not all, some use internal USB
> modules).
>    - Build Prism2.5 USB (_usb) driver? (y/n) [y]:
>         Select "y" if you want to build the Prism driver for
>         Prism2.5 ISL3873 based USB adapters.  This includes
>         USB add-on modules and the internal modules included in some
>         notebook computers.
>    - Linux source directory [/usr/src/linux]:
>         The config script will attempt to automagically find your
> kernel
>         source directory.  If found, the kernel source source directory
>         will be presented as the default selection.  If the default
>         selection is wrong, you may correct it here.
>    - pcmcia-cs source dir [/usr/src/pcmcia-cs-3.1.29]:
>         If the "_cs" driver is selected above, the configure script
> will
>         attempt to present a reasonable default for the pcmcia source
>         directory.  If the presented directory is incorrect, you may
>         change it here.  If the "_cs" driver is not selected, this
>         prompt will not appear.
>    - PCMCIA script directory [/etc/pcmcia]:
>         If the "_cs" driver is selected, this prompt allows you to
>         change the location where the pcmcia scripts will be installed.
>         Only do this if you have installed the rest of the pcmcia_cs
>         scripts to a non-default location.
>    - Alternate target install root directory on host []:
>         This prompt allows you to specify an alternative root directory
>         for the install process.
>    - Module install directory [/lib/modules/2.2.20]:
>         Select where you want the driver modules to be installed.  The
>         script constructs a default location using the output of uname.
>         If you have not yet installed the kernel you will run
> linux-wlan
>         with, and the new kernel has a different version string, you
> will
>         need to change this value.
>    - Prefix for build host compiler? (rarely needed) []:
>         When cross-compiling or using different compilers for kernel
> and
>         user-mode software, it is sometimes (but rarely) necessary to
>         specify a different compiler prefix to use when compiling the
>         _tools_ that are built to run on the build host during the
>         linux-wlan-ng build process.
>    - Build for debugging (see doc/config.debug) (y/n) [y]:
>         This option enables the inclusion of debug output generating
>         statements in the driver code.  Note that enabling those
> statements
>         requires the inclusion of insmod/modprobe command line
> arguments
>         when loading the modules.  See the document doc/config.debug
>         for more information.
> 5)  To build the package, run 'make all'
> 6)  To install the package, run 'make install' (as root).
> =======================================================================
> Configuring:
> NOTE:  linux-wlan-ng does not fully implement the wireless extensions
>        interface.  This means that you can't use iwconfig and its kin
> to
>        set things up.  Instead, read on!
> As of linux-wlan-ng 0.1.16-pre5, the configuration and launch scripts
> have
> been largely re-written.  pcmcia/rc/hotplug now all use a common
> library
> of routines and use the same set of configuration files.
> Now, everything relevant exists in /etc/wlan/*
> /etc/wlan/wlan.conf:
> This file maps between wlan devices and network IDs, and contains
> the names of all devices that should be initialized by the hotplug
> and rc scripts.
> /etc/wlan/wlancfg-*
> These files are per-network configurations.  This makes it easy to
> switch between different SSIDs and the various settings they may
> require, like WEP keys and whatnot.
> The bare minimum you need to do to configure your system after a fresh
> driver
> install:
> 0)  Nothing whatsoever.  out-of-the-box, the driver will attempt to
> associate
>     with any access point within range.
> However, we highly recommend setting up a configuration specifically
> for
> your network, using the following method:
> 0)  This example assumes your network name/SSID is "MyHomeNetwork"
> 1)  cp /etc/wlan/wlancfg-DEFAULT /etc/wlan/wlancfg-MyHomeNetwork
> 2)  edit /etc/wlan/wlan.conf and change the SSID_wlan0 line to:
> SSID_wlan0="MyHomeNetwork"
> 3)  edit /etc/wlan/wlancfg-MyHomeNetwork, and make any necessary
> changes
>     necessary to support your network, such as WEP and whatnot.
> ***********************************************************************
> ********************************
> ------------------------------
> A)  Edit /etc/pcmcia/network.opts file to set up your IP settings.
>     Note: for a station, the SSID you're connecting to will be
> appended to the
>     current pcmcia scheme name.  You can use this to have different
>     IP setups for different wireless LANs you connect to (e.g. home
> vs. work).
> B)  Restart pcmcia-cs with the command:
>     /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia restart
> C) Insert the card.  For most cards, a solid LED indicates that the
>     SSID you specified was found, a bss was joined, and the firmware
>     completed the authenticate and associate processes.
> D) Run ifconfig and route to determine if your IP and route settings
> are
>     listed as you wanted them.  It's also a good idea to look at the
> file
>     /etc/resolv.conf to see if your nameserver address has been set up
>     correctly.
> ------------------------------
> A) You must make sure that the drivers get loaded at boot time and
> that the
>    necessary initialization takes place.  The simplest way to do this
> is
>    to add the following commands to your rc.local file:
>      modprobe prism2_pci   [or prism2_usb/prism2_plx]
>      wlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_ifstate ifstate=enable
>      wlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_autojoin ssid=<your APs SSID>
> authtype=opensystem
>      ifconfig wlan0 <yourIP> netmask <yourNetmask> broadcast
> <yourBroadcast>
>      route add default gw <yourGateway>
>    Also, don't forget to set up your resolv.conf to point at your DNS
> server.
> B) Alternatively, you can use the rc.wlan script, which ties into the
>    /etc/wlan/* configuration files mentioned above.
>    We currently don't create the softlink from the runlevel
> directories to
>    the wlan startup script due to differences in distributions, but the
>    scripts are redhat-aware, and can be extended to hook into other
> tools
>    easily.  (patches welcome!)  Just make sure it is brought up early
> in
>    the process, namely, before the the network interfaces are brought
> up.
> ------------------------------
> A) Make sure your kernel usb support is running
> B) Plug in the Prism2.x USB device
> C) Run 'modprobe prism2_usb prism2_doreset=1' to load the driver into
> memory.
> D) Run 'wlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_ifstate ifstate=enable' to initialize
> the
>    driver+MAC functions.
> E) Run 'wlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_autojoin ssid=<your ssid>
> authtype=opensystem'
>    to enable the MAC in Infrastructure Station mode.
> F) Run 'ifconfig wlan0 <your IP address>'
> Or, you can use the provided hotplug scripts, if your distribution has
> hotplug support.  :)
> IMPORTANT: Due to an issue with some versions of the Prism USB
> firmware,
> the driver usually needs to perform a port reset.
> Some combinations of usb low-level drivers, kernel releases, and
> hardware don't like this, and usually end up generating a kernel OOPS.
> newer kernels are much better in this regard.  In particular, Intel usb
> controllers are the most trouble-prone.
> The OOPS is due to bugs in the linux USB core, and newer kernels
> (2.4.19 and later) behave much better in this regard.
> However, the good news is that primary firmware 1.1.2 seems to resolve
> the need for the port reset to begin with.  Contact your vendor to
> request this update.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------
> Je suis un débutant, cependant, je pense avoir correctement réalisé
> toutes les
> opérations jusqu'à la ligne d'étoile ( ******************)
> Après je n'ai rien fait car je en sais plus quoi faire.
> Dois-je modifier mon rc.local comme indiqué pour chargé le driver en
> mémoire
> ou Mandrake va-t-il faire cela tout seul,
> Et pour utiliser la connexion, quel méthode dois-je utiliser sachant
> que je
> souhaiterais que ma connexion démarre au démarrage.
> Dernier point, sans avoir fait les manipulations, ci-dessus, lorsque je
> connecte l'adaptateur USB j'ai un Kernel Panique comme indiqué en fin
> du
> paragraphe d'aide à l'installation. Alors, voici le plus gros morceau
> : Que
> dois-je faire pour contourner ce problème .... (je suis débutant et je
> n'ai
> jamais compilé un noyau, mais je veux bien essayer ....)
> Merci pour votre aide qui est pour moi crutiale, car si je ne peux pas
> utiliser cet adaptateur, je vais devoir supprimer ma partition linux
> sur
> l'ordinateur familliale et la tentative de convertion de toute ma
> famille à
> linux aura échoué...
> Please, Help Me (Cf. Le cinquième élément avec les grands yeux qui
> vont bien
> ....)
> Romain
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