remarquez la ligne concernant UTF8 et sa GÉNÉRALISATION (sic !) :

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We are pleased to announce that a new major version of Sympa is now available for testing. We hope to have alpha testers for this version of Sympa that includes many interresting new features :

* New SOAP features allow remote list creation, ADD and DEL of list members * Automatic list creation : this is a contribution from the A.Amrani (French Ministry of Defence) that allows to trigger list creation when a message is sent for the list. * DB logs (developped by A.Bard) : each operations that changes the status of messages/subscriptions/list config is now logged in a structured DB entry. Both listmasters and listowners can search this events DB using the Sympa web interface. * Picture upload (developped by A.Brard) : List members can upload and share their pictures via the REVIEW web page. * Blacklist : list owners can manage a blacklist for their list, via the web interface * New user and admin web documentation (provided by V.Paitrault, Uni Rennes 2). In French version only, the English version will be available in next version. * Accessibility of the web interface has been enhanced (work done by A.Brard)
    * Compatibility with IE 7
* Generalization of UTF-8 : Sympa now uses Unicode for its web interface, thus making it easier to mix different characters encodings



fn:Jean-Yves  LE GOFF
n:LE GOFF;Jean-Yves 
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;fax:(687) 43 53 35
tel;home:(687)43 53 35

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