>> If the calculated weight is 25, the WEIGHT20-99 tests would get
   but not the WEIGHT10-14 or WEIGHT15-19 tests.  Of the standard weight
   tests, only the WEIGHT20 would get triggered. <<

Okay - now I'm dense.

The above says that a weight of 25 will ONLY execute WEIGHT20 (but not
WEIGHT10 and WEIGHT 15) - then the outcome YOU just described WOULD be
identical to WEIGHT20-99?

>> If the total weight is 18, using your example, the standard weight tests
will trigger the WEIGHT15 and WEIGHT20 tests. <<

But then you go on saying that a weight of 18 would trigger TWO of the

Why would 25 only trigger ONE standard test but a lower weight of 18 would
trigger TWO?

I can't make heads or tails of this.

Best Regards
Andy Schmidt

Phone:  +1 201 934-3414 x20 (Business)
Fax:    +1 201 934-9206

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