Unless, of course, Declude were to add a web interface to provide user


-----Original Message-----
From: Kami Razvan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 7:48 AM
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Address Book Only in Declude?

The idea is a good one but I think it truly belongs at the IMail level.
This way, using the web manager, every user can decide what level of
mail they want to accept.

It is sort of like what the JunkMail setting is with Hotmail.  Strict,
allowing only those in the address book to send, or Loose so anyone can

If Declude adds this then it is up to the Admin to add this for every
user upon request.  This is a lot of work!

Just a thought.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Roger Heath
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 10:32 AM
To: R. Scott Perry
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] Address Book Only in Declude?

I just got the following request from one of my users:

R> How do I arrange to receive only emails from members of my address 
R> book?

In  my opinion this could be the biggest feature added to Declude at
this time. Here's how I'd like it to work:

Declude looks at a text cfg file to see if this feature is turned on for
a select domain or e-mail account... for example,

if   in   ADDR.CFG   email   address  or  domain  wyndows.com  or

Look  at c:\Imail\Wyndows\users\heath\aliases.txt MAILFROM exists then
pass  the  e-mail  to this account, else delete...or return e-mail as

How soon can I get this, Scott? <grin>

Roger Heath

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