
Monday, November 4, 2002 you wrote:
JWC> #2 Is the Declude replacement to the Ipswitch mail handler that
JWC> much more inefficient, or does JunkMail just take alot more
JWC> processing?

Declude doesn't replace the mail handler.  It is handed the message by
IMAIL, processes it, and depending upon action, passes it back.  Or it
could hold or delete the message.  As such it impacts delivery in two
significant ways:

  1) it adds time to the process

     you can judge how much time by turning declude logging to DEBUG
     and parsing out the Total time: lines.  However, be prepared for
     really, really big logs.  On my system the time declude takes is
     usually never less than about 450 ms and the upper range is about
     2500 ms.  Most messages are processed in about 1100 ms. or so.

  2) Queue DQ issue

     If declude just releases the message back to Imail I haven't
     observed any queue problems.

     However, if there are many messages coming in at once so that the
     DECLUDE DQ mechanism is triggered and certain messages end up in
     the overflow directory then those messages can take a little
     longer to process.  However, I've seen nothing more than a few
     minutes so I do not believe this really interferes with the queue
     runs by IMAIL which in my case would be every 30 minutes.  And in
     my case these instances occur infrequently.

But I've seen nothing caused by Declude that would account for an hour
delay in message handling.  In my opinion that is more likely to be
caused by something other than Declude.

I just added a custom external test and have been observing it very
closely to determine impact on delivery.  That's why I've considered
some of this fwiw.

Terry Fritts

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