The test email that I sent only had one recipient. The problem started when
I sent the test message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to test the filter setup.
There was not a valid imail account or alias for muji. I waited a minute for
it to process and then checked the declude logs to see what had occurred.
That is when I noticed that the server was acting loaded. I checked the
mailboxes where the muji message would have gone and it wasn't there yet, so
it was still processing. At this point I don't think there was any .vir
directories. I waited 2-3 minutes and started to see multiple instances of
declude.exe in taskman/processes.  These were no doubt additional messages
that were coming in while the test message was still processing.  I waited
another few minutes but none of the declude processes would ever finish and
nothing was getting written to the logs.
Since there will only be one Declude.exe process for each E-mail, if there was a problem with the E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], it couldn't have affected the other Declude.exe processes. My guess in this case is that there was a mail loop of some sort, which is the only way that extra Declude.exe processes could have been created (although the new ones would only appear after Declude processed the E-mail, so that doesn't make a lot of sense either).

So that is when I killed it with a rename of global.cfg and a reboot.  I
believe it somehow chocked on the test message and the filter, possibly
because there wasn't a valid imail account. I tried this two times with
basically the same results.  I will try it again but with a valid user
Without the valid IMail account, the E-mail would be processed with the nobody alias as the recipient, rather than the actual account (so per-user settings would be based on the nobody alias, and the ALLRECIPS filter option would be based on the nobody alias).

> I'll see if we can get the ALLRECIPS filter option to work with
> aliases as
> well.  Although the aliases in IMail are very useful, they do come with
> their drawbacks.

How do you mean "to work with aliases as well"?
The ALLRECIPS filter option (which was added to the v1.62 beta) only looks at the actual recipients, not the intended recipients (the address that the sender tried to send to). So in the case of the nobody alias, the ALLRECIPS filter option doesn't look at the intended recipient (which is what we are going to see if we can change).

Are you referring to the imail aliases? I guess it would be OK to still have an alias for old users,
but where would it point to?
No -- the idea is just that you could still use the old nobody alias, and still have Declude JunkMail filter based on the intended recipient (muji), even though the mail is going to the nobody alias.

[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (]

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