Title: Message
We have seen quite a lot.  It is happening more and more.  If HTML comments could be ignored it would be a great addition.  I wonder what would be the downfall of the idea?
I also think another filter that can be considered is the routing type filter.  I don't know if bad routing can see this.. but we are noticing a lot of emails going in circle.. for example:
US > Japan > Hungry > Destination (US in this case).
I guess one way to combat this is if the Country filter is additive.  For example the weight of each country detected is added to the total weight.  Does the filter do this?
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Scott MacLean
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 7:52 AM
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] Wordfilter bypassed

The sneaky buggers are at it again. I've been getting more and more emails that don't fail any tests at all, but should be caught as spam due to multiple wordfilter hits. I had a look at the message (HTML) source, and found this:

Hum<!--nnbvmx-->an Gr<!--d-->owth Hor<!--fjkg-->mone Th<!--sdkf-->erapy

Scott, is it possible that the wordfilter, when looking at HTML source messages, can be made to disregard HTML comments, as above?

Scott MacLean
ICQ: 9184011

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