I have compiled the first public beta of "MIAMI", which is a Declude Virus
log analyzer. (see previous posts)

At this point Declude JunkMail is not included, but when it is, I feel it
will be the coolest thing yet.

I was planning on programming the web side of things in PHP, but since
everything else is a Microsoft Application and ASP is built into IIS, ASP
seems like the more logical choice.

**** I am interested in hearing from anyone that would like to beta test
this program, THAT CAN ALSO help with the ASP script setup. ****

Here is a link to the first pictures.  It's only of the database, but to me
since this data is in the database, the possibilities are endless.  (graphs,
chars, pie's, multiple query statements)



[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (http://www.declude.com)]

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