We've here a constant value of 10 - 12% during workday and around 30% on
weekends. This because during weekends there are not so much real
messages. The values are based on a system with 350 domains 650
mailboxes and 2500 incomming messages/day.

Reporting from 01/01/2003 to yesterday on my personal mailbox:
I recieve around 54 messages per day (without control, notification and
1.5 of them whas spam that passed the declude-tests
12.5 of them was hold by declude.

Based on this values and other 7 monitored mailboxes on our system I can
assume that we hold 88 to 90% of incomming spam.

What can be the cause that we have only such a low spam ratio?

2/3 of our domains are from italy (.it tld) 
-> International spammers filter out country tld's?

On the other side we've a lot of italian spam and nearly 0 german spam,
even if over 90% of our clients are german. 
-> country spammers filter for it-domains!

The average lifetime of our domains and their mailboxes is 1.5 year.
This should be time enough to be found from spammers.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Scott MacLean
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 11:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] how much is junk?

I have a user that receives over 10,000 spam emails a day.

I personally get about 500 spam to 50 real emails a day. Of those,
typically around 5-10 get past Declude.

At 02:46 PM 2/13/2003, Helpdesk wrote:

on 2/13/03 2:36 PM, paul wrote:

> Ok guys, what do you see in ratio of junk vs good mail per day?

Spam messages account for over 75% of our incoming messages (we're an


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Scott MacLean
ICQ: 9184011

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