When the "bounce" action is flipped on, if a message fails a test with
"bounce" associated with it does Declude.JunkMail tell IMail to reject the
message during the incoming SMTP conversation (and not even accept it into
the server) or does IMail actually accept the message and then queue the
bounce message up in the spool to be sent back to the sender?  If the
latter, and the senders are spoofing their addresses, couldn't this
potentially cause a lot of mail in "limbo" to build up in the spool folder?

The key here is the "DO NOT USE THIS ACTION unless you understand FULLY that spammers will NEVER receive the bounce message." from the test description.

IMail doesn't allow software to interfere with the SMTP transaction, so this is an actual bounce message, not a reject.

The problem isn't that *you* have to deal with the E-mail in limbo, but that innocent victims will be getting bounce messages from you.

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