Hello - what is the proper syntax for using a blacklist (i.e. the 'fromfile.txt')?

For the sender blacklist, you first need to add a line such as the following to your \IMail\Declude\global.cfg file to define the test:

TESTNAME fromfile C:\IMail\Declude\badaddresses.txt x 5 0

Here, "TESTNAME" is the name that you choose for the test and "fromfile" indicates the type of test. Then, you have the full path to the blacklist file, "x" as a placeholder, and then the weight for the test (5 in this case), followed by a "0" (used for negative weighting, which is not common, as it would apply to E-mails that did NOT fail this test).

The actual file ("C:\IMail\Declude\badaddresses.txt" in this case) consists of lines in one of the following formats:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Will only catch E-mail from "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
@example.com - Will catch any E-mail from any E-mail address @example.com
.example.com - Will catch any E-mail in subdomains of example.com (such as [EMAIL PROTECTED]).

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