I'm a bit confused with my configuration, especially with HOP, HOPHIGH and IPBYPASS

I have a mailrelay server with a SMTP virusscanner which forward the e-mail to the Imail server (with a different virusscanner).
A bit redundant maybe, but also secure (as I have only (max) 5000 emails a day, I can spare the capacity)

As i see it I have 4 HOPs:

internet --> Server 1 [virusscanner --> mailrelay] --> Server 2 [virusscanner --> Imail(Declude)]

So I have in my Global.cfg:

HOP                 4
HOPHIGH        0
IPBYPASS       192.87.68.a  (the mailrelay)

I think my reasoning is wrong because I see a lot of mail getting flagged as originating from my own Imail server:
X-Note: This E-mail was sent from (Private IP) ([192.87.68.b]). (the Imail server)

What am I doing wrong?

Erminio Ballerini   [EMAIL PROTECTED]     http://www.scp.nl
Social and Cultural Planning Office (SCP)
Department of Data Services and Information Technology (I&A)
P.O. Box 16164      2500 BD Den Haag
Parnassusplein 5    Den Haag
tel. 31 (0)70 340 76 88    fax  31 (0)70 340 70 44

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