Hi Darrel,

Please add me to your list, I'd love to try it out

Best regards

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of VanTech.Net
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 11:40 PM
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Report System


I would be interested in trying it out.  I like Delog, but I would like
to have some format options such as .html.

Thank you,
Aaron Caviglia

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Darrell LaRock
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 2:06 PM
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Report System


I used delog for awhile, but I needed several other features that did
not come with delog.  So I developed an application that had all of the
features that I needed.  Below is a sample report that I generated(tab
format).  The reports can be in tab, csv, or html format and you have
the ability to email them as well.

There are many other things that dlanalyzer can report on.  You can get
reports on domains, users, tests, and different reporting periods.  The
combinations are endless.

Right now I am finishing up database support and a few other
miscellaneous features I wanted to add in..

If you would like to try it out let me know and I will make it


Start Time: 6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM
End Time: 6/2/2003 12:00:00 AM
Total Messages: 25935
Messages That Failed: 18252
Spam Percentage: 70.38%

TEST                    # FAILED        Percentage
BADHEADERS              3735            14.40%
BASE64          1203            4.64%
BLACKLIST               1325            5.11%
COMMENTS                668             2.58%
DECREASEIPWGHT  40              0.15%
DECREASEWEIGHT  557             2.15%
DECREASEWEIGHTLOW       313             1.21%
DSBL                    3807            14.68%
DSN                     1215            4.68%
EASYNET-DNSBL   7418            28.60%
FXBLACKLIST             2574            9.92%
HELOBOGUS               4776            18.42%
HEUR10          2899            11.18%
IPBLACKLIST             5               0.02%
MAILFROM                385             1.48%
NJABL                   408             1.57%
NOABUSE         3341            12.88%
NONENGLISH              214             0.83%
NOPOSTMASTER    4020            15.50%
OLDEMPLOYEE             29              0.11%
ORDB                    261             1.01%
OSDUL                   113             0.44%
OSLIST          2               0.01%
OSRELAY         343             1.32%
OSSOFT          3265            12.59%
OSSRC                   3308            12.75%
POSTMASTER              12              0.05%
REVDNS          4231            16.31%
ROUTING         1487            5.73%
SNIFFER         3285            12.67%
SNIFFERAV               12              0.05%
SNIFFERCASINO   159             0.61%
SNIFFERDEBT             815             3.14%
SNIFFEREXP              269             1.04%
SNIFFERGETRICH  630             2.43%
SNIFFERGREY             421             1.62%
SNIFFERINK              196             0.76%
SNIFFERINSURAN  58              0.22%
SNIFFEROBFUS    350             1.35%
SNIFFERPHARM    1727            6.66%
SNIFFERPORN             1630            6.28%
SNIFFERSCAM             1               0.00%
SNIFFERSPAMWAR  127             0.49%
SNIFFERTHEFT    138             0.53%
SNIFFERTRAVEL   438             1.69%
SPAMCOP         4172            16.09%
SPAMHEADERS             4160            16.04%
WEIGHT10                10482           40.42%
WEIGHT5         769             2.97%
WORDFILTER              7826            30.18%

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Terry Parks
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 2:26 PM
To: Declude. JunkMail
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] Report System

While it's quiet I'd like to know which system is best at reporting
status of the email system in terms of most messages sent from/delivered
to address, etc. I need a good summary reporting system that will email
me these results. I've tried delog but the email feature doesn't work.


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