Does ALLOWADDR supports a partial match? Like ALLOWADDR

No, it requires an exact match.

Any chance that you could increase the 20 ALLOWADDR limit? I've already
20 and I'm going to need more. I've many customers that have valid
reasons to send mail to hundreds of destinations, churches, missioners,
etc. I've moved already the big ones to lists, these are small and don't
want or don't get use to lists. Thank you for looking into this.

The problem is that we must have a limit to help ensure that our customers don't end up allowing spam to go through because they added too many addresses.

In this case, the best option may be to increase the amount of E-mail that users can send. Typically if a spammer users your server to send out mail, he's going to try sending many thousands of E-mails within minutes, so less strict settings would catch most spammers.

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