Now the Declude part...I understand that I have to create a new $Default$.JunkMail file because it handles gatewayed E-mail as outgoing E-mail. To do this I have set up a version of this in the following location:



Declude Virus is also set up to scan outgoing E-mail.

My question is whether or not is is necessary to set up additional $Default$.JunkMail files under and Although E-mail shouldn't be delivered to these addresses, if a spammer wants to send something to [EMAIL PROTECTED], would my server deliver that message, or drop it as undeliverable (there are no aliases configured for these sub-domains). If it delivers it, then should I set up those additional $Default$.JunkMail files?

If IMail will accept E-mail addressed to, then you would need to create a $default$.JunkMail file for that domain. With gateway domains, Declude only sees the actual E-mail address, without any translations that IMail may make.

Declude JunkMail: The advanced anti-spam solution for IMail mailservers.
Declude Virus: Catches known viruses and is the leader in mailserver vulnerability detection.
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[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (]

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