We are running Declude JMPro Version 1.76i13.  Most of our domains are
setup using the Per Domain configuration, in those configs, we have
setup ROUTETO statements to route their spam to a certain email address
either local or remote.  Since last Thursday (off and on before that),
some spam email has been appearing in the SPAM folder in the Spool
directory (although we do not send any spam to that folder).  I just
checked it and we had over a 1000 in there.  I looked at the D* files
and they show that these emails were sent to domains that had per domain
setup configs.  These domains have been setup and working for well over
a year. We run Imail 8.04 on Windows 2000 SP4. 

Has anyone seen this.  

Also, we have started to see several emails that don't show any X
information placed in them by Declude.  We traced them in the Imail
syslog and they show accepted and Q* assignment given with delivery.
They arrive to the inbox of the users untouched by Declude (no header
info inserted).  Anyone seen this as well.  

Thanks for the aid,

[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (http://www.declude.com)]

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