Scott said earlier I believe that Declude only uses the first DNS server listed in IMail's SMTP settings. So it is possible that IMail can still resolve, but Declude can't in the event that the first DNS server stops responding.

As far as listing two servers goes, at least in IMail 7.x, you should separate the IP addresses with a space.


DLAnalyzer Support wrote:

Is your DNS server responding properly. We had this same type of problem when our ISP's DNS server stopped responding.
Check Out DLAnalyzer 2.0 a comprehensive reporting tool for
Declude Junkmail Logs -

Frederick Samarelli writes:

I am having problems with the Declude.exe program hanging.
I am running. Imail 8.04 and Declude 1.76i14.
The email enters the server.
Declude.exe kicks off then hangs and waits a few minutes.
Then I notice it will process the items in the Global.CFG. I know this
because I see Sniffer executing. Then Done.
While it is hung it just waits............. 0 CPU usage.
Any thoughts.
It does this on two servers.

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