
We duplicated the zone files between both providers.  So all records are identical.  
If the zone files are the same than all of the timeouts should not matter.

Check this out
1.) Do a direct query against for - Returns

2.) Do a direct query against for - Returns

3.) Do a direct query against or ns2. or ns3 and the query will in 
general 9 out of 10 times timeout.  We can also duplicate this behavior on Charter and 
Road Runner.

I can't even come up with a possible explanation...  The zone files are the same????


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "R. Scott Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Fri, 19 Dec 2003 22:56:28 -0500

>>However, something is seriously wrong as the major ISP's can't resolve it 
>>(Earthlink, Charter, Some AOL Users, Road Runner).  This occured right 
>>after the whois info was updated to the new authoratative servers.
>That's probably the problem.
>Once the first .com parent server gets the new NS records, it takes up to 
>about 6 hours for all the other .com parent servers to get updated, and 
>another 48 hours before TTL values expire on DNS servers throughout the 
>world.  Earthlink, Charter, and some other larger ISPs almost certainly 
>have the old values cached, which will take up to 48 hours to expire after 
>the change.  During that time, they will be using the old NS records.
>                                                    -Scott
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