Hi Scott:

Should the "Tests Failed" summary line be "complete", e.g., should it
replace every single "Failed" line that appears in the HIGH log mode?  This
way, log analyzers can simply parse the Tests Failed summary and learn about
every test AND every action?

If so, I believe there may be one issue.  My Tests Failed line don't seem to
itemize ANY negative test results, not even word filters.  Could it be, that
your Tests Failed is using the HIDETESTS definitions to suppress

I believe that the LOG FILE should NOT process the HIDETESTS and should be
complete.  HIDETESTS should only be applied against information that is
shown "publicly" (e.g., in headers, in bounce/warn messages, and the like).

Best Regards
Andy Schmidt

Phone:  +1 201 934-3414 x20 (Business)
Fax:    +1 201 934-9206 

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