I'm using i20 currently. Note that IE and probably Exchange as well, will allow a CC field with no To and it would previously produce the same results, I mention this because you didn't mention the exception , only the BCC exception. People do of course send out to lists using the CC field, especially since IE doesn't show the BCC field by default.

It does seem odd the way that RFCs allow the lone Bcc: header, but not a lone Cc: header.

I definitely got an FP this morning on this using a BCC to multiple addresses:

The problem here is that Microsoft forgot to add a Bcc: header. It's one of those weird things, that a Bcc: header is required even though one would think that a Bcc: header shouldn't be present (since it won't be completely "b" or "blind" if the header is there). But if there is to "To:" header, the "Bcc:" header should be there.

However, it seems that little spam actually has this problem, so we will consider removing it from the BADHEADERS test.

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