A while back I reported of a problem we had with spam getting through with no Declude headers.  In going back and forth between Scott and IPSwitch the issue was not resolved.. IPSwitch kept saying it is Declude issue.
Perhaps we are among the very few that were using the mixture of both software for spam.  We had IMail run the IP4r tests and the REVDNS and HELO and then have Declude add weight to the headers added by IMail.
3 weeks ago, after getting fed up with the spam that was getting through I decided to get rid of one variable & test.  So we took all of our spam filtering off of IMail and use Declude for everything (with Matt's help getting his IP4r tests so I did not have to hunt them down).
After 3 weeks of this new setting not a single spam has gotten through.  All of our folks used to get 3+ spams with no Declude headers added and now not a single one.
Conclusion:  It is definitely IMail causing that issue.
Just in case others are running this combination and are running into this problem.

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