Title: AW: [Declude.JunkMail] Filters and outputs (perhaps)

you can set the loglevel in the global.cfg to HIGH. afther this you will find the words that triggered the filter in the logfile.

gez. m. guhl

lds nrw
dez. 235
tel.: 0211 9449 2578
fax.: 0211 9449 8344


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: EN [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet am: Montag, 9. Februar 2004 15:21
Betreff: [Declude.JunkMail] Filters and outputs (perhaps)

I have a filter that scans an email and looks for certain words that may be
It does a great job, but sometimes a bit too great.  I've taken out most of
the small words that may just appear in non-graphic words, but sometimes
there are still emails that get
caught and I have no idea what the word is.  I've looked through my filters
tons of times,
am positive that it's pretty good.

Now, is there a way to have the word that triggered the filter appear
somewhere in the headers, or anywhere else?

Just a thought, cuz it's the small ones that are driving me pretty insane.


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