I have one called ADDRESSSUB.  It's quite simple, and I give it 20% of my hold weight since this might cause some FP's, though I don't recall ever holding an E-mail with a hit for this.  The file is a simple SUBJECT CONTAINS filter like so:

----- Global.cfg -----
ADDRESSSUB        filter        C:\IMail\Declude\Filters\AddressSub.txt            x    0    0

----- AddressSub.txt ------

SUBJECT        2    CONTAINS    @local-domain-one.tld
SUBJECT        2    CONTAINS    @local-domain-two.tld
SUBJECT        2    CONTAINS    @local-domain-etc.tld

The filter has a fairly low hit rate, maybe half that of something like GIBBERISHSUB, however there is one spammer that will hit this with almost every message and that can make the standard deviation very large.


Doug Anderson wrote:
Is there a test out there that checks for an email address in the subject line?
Jon Doe gets an email. In the subject line it has: Card #29546 - Award Pending for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm seeing alot more of these.
A test to match the to email address and subject contains

MailPure custom filters for Declude JunkMail Pro.

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