First, I should point out that RBL is a trademark of MAPS, and only refers to their RBL spam test. PTR refers to DNS records that map an IP address to a hostname. So "DNSBL responses" might make for a better subject.

Would adding the following in the global.cfg cause Declude any problems?

FIVETEN ip4r 0 0
FIVETEN ip4r 0 0

Yes, that will cause problems. Declude JunkMail doesn't allow you to combine tests like that.

What I'm trying to achieve is to use the same 'rule name' in all the per
domain configs for the multiple responses, with some exclusions (like
DUL - Note is not listed among the FIVETEN's and is
not listed among the SORBS).

That's going to get tricky -- you're trying to combine several of the FIVETEN* tests, but not all of them. The only way I can think of to do that would be to use a filter on TESTSFAILED in the latest beta. That way, an E-mail might fail both FIVETENSRC (based on the default config file) and FIVETEN (the name of your filter file). You could ignore the FIVETENSRC, and just take an action on FIVETEN.

Also if Declude sees that multiply ip4r tests are queries on the same
host, in the case below would it perform 20 queries or 2?

Just two (one for and one for Any lookups on the same IP and zone will automatically use just 1 lookup.

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