
FYI, in testing I found that the %WEIGHT% is being passed in, however it seems to be 500 points higher than in reality, with all the weights showing up as being between 500 and 600 over the space of my test.



Matt wrote:

I've been playing with this for a bit now and it seems that the weight isn't being passed as %WEIGHT%, or maybe it is strangely formatted.

My script now uses two values, the first being the current weight in Declude, and the second being the SKIPIFWEIGHT equivalent.  The following line doesn't work (test never returns a result):
SIZE-S    external   13  "cscript C:\IMail\Declude\Size.vbs //NoLogo //T:2 %WEIGHT% 28"    0    0

However the following line does work (script always returns a result):
SIZE-S    external   13  "cscript C:\IMail\Declude\Size.vbs //NoLogo //T:2 10 28"    0    0

Here's the source of the Size.vbs file for reference:
If WScript.arguments(0) >= WScript.arguments(1) Then
    Dim objFSO, objFile

    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(WScript.arguments(2))

    If objFile.size < 512 Then
        WScript.Quit(11) 'SIZE-XXS [0 KB - 0.5 KB]
    ElseIF objFile.size < 1024 Then
        WScript.Quit(12) 'SIZE-XS [0.5 KB - 1 KB]
    ElseIF objFile.size < 30720 Then
        WScript.Quit(13) 'SIZE-S [1 KB - 30 KB]
    ElseIF objFile.size < 102400 Then
        WScript.Quit(14) 'SIZE-M [30 KB - 100 KB]
    ElseIF objFile.size < 307200 Then
        WScript.Quit(15) 'SIZE-L [100 KB - 300 KB]
    ElseIF objFile.size < 1024000 Then
        WScript.Quit(16) 'SIZE-XL [300 KB - 1,000 KB]
    ElseIf objFile.size >= 1024000 Then
        WScript.Quit(17) 'SIZE-XXL [1,000+ KB]
    End If

    Set objFile = nothing
    Set objFSO = nothing
End If

Could you take a look at this when you get a chance.



R. Scott Perry wrote:

Is there another variable available like %CURRENTWEIGHT% that could be used for this purpose (whatever SKIPIFWEIGHT uses)?

There is now an interim 1.79i3 at that changes the %WEIGHT% variable so that it will include the current weight if it is used before the total weight is calculated.

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