
It would be even better if the skip weights were listed in the Global.cfg instead of the individual filter files, that way they wouldn't even need to be opened. This could be done with the addition of two columns to the definitions of all of the custom filters and external tests.

Regarding the calculation of weights with those negative weight tests, I asked about this a few months ago after a similar discussion and Scott indicated that this wasn't happening. Honestly, I can't really tell you if it is or isn't still happening on my box, though maybe only a small percentage of spam would get the credit and as a result end up in my hold file instead of landing in my drop range.


Scott Fisher wrote:

I am working on reducing the amount of occasions that I need to call the BODY and ANYWHERE filters to help cut down on my server CPU spikes.

I'd like to see these enhancements:

1. SKIPIFWEIGHTLESSTHAN for the filters. If the weights in the Body filter aren't going to make any difference in the final weight, why should I run it. I have to think this one is a bit of code similar to the SKIPIFWEIGHT.

2. Actual weights for the SKIPIFWEIGHT. I need to have my SKIPIFWEIGHT set to 7 points higher than my actual hold weight to accommodate the possibly negative scores for the IPNOTINMX and the NOLEGITCONTENT tests. If these tests were already calculated into the weight at the time of the SKIPIFWEIGHT is examined, I would be running the filter tests less. Does HIDETESTS play into this?

Scott Fisher
Director of IT
Farm Progress Companies

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