Hi Dave, 
thanks for the response.

I'm not sure of the mechanics of rejection, all I did to stop this for now
was to check the "reject null senders" box in smtp security. Please
understand that I'm just a guy who got stuck with this job, and 90% of the
conversation in this list is over my head :D

Originally this iwebmsg power consumption was happening by means of null
senders sending messages to imailsrv which was generating tons of "illegal
list commands" in the log, I got around this by renaming imailsrv.exe to
something else which got the log files down to 4 or 5 mbs a day instead of
70 or 80. We don't have any need for the imailsrv function, so I thought
what the heck... This lasted for a few weeks, but now it's happening again,
although not to the same extent. I was previously getting somewhere around
170,000 of these a day. I'm seeing that a few of them are now starting to
send to listserv.

The log files are now at around 7 or 8 mbs, I'm getting about 2000 of these
null senders a day now, which really shouldn't bother. I do have a number
of tmp files in the spool directory which I wasn't getting before I renamed
the imailsrv.exe, strangely these tmp files don't look as though they are
related to any attempt to send a message to imailsrv. Weird.
Another thing that is goofy is that I have a couple of users whose
attachments seem to stay in the spool directory for ever and ever, is that
normal for a user that pretty much exclusively uses the web mail function?
spool directory size is usually about 60 or 70 mbs, with about 100 or 150
files in it. I usually keep about a months worth of logs in the spool.

any suggestions? i'm waiting to get a bunch of postmaster messages from
rfc-ignorant while i have things set this way.


At 10:11 PM 14/04/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi Royce-
>How are you rejecting the messages? Do you use a nobody alias with an
>autoresponse, or do you just let Imail return the standard error message?
>Any idea how many you're getting?
>It seems odd that this would effect iwebmsg.  Look for another problem
>somewhere. How many files do you have in your spool directory?
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Royce Burnett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 3:43 PM
>Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] tricks for dealing with null senders?
>> Using Imail 6.05, and Declude 1.79 beta on NT4.0
>> I've had a spate of crud flowing in the last week or so from
>> <>@variousaddresses addressed to
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED], which of course get
>> away as the addressee is unknown to my mail server. Unfortunately there
>> seems to be such a flood of the damned things that it ends up stalling the
>> iwebmsg service and consuming 100% cpu so a number of times a day I have
>> shut the iwebmsg service down, which can take up to 20 minutes to
>> I've had to turn off accepting null senders just to grab my breath. Whats
>> the quick and dirty solution, some sort of hold action? is there a way to
>> configure a  declude test to action these messages?
>> please forgive if this seems a stupid question, i'm pretty foggy after a 4
>> AM hard drive replacement on a different machine....
>> Thanks for any answers
>> Royce Burnett
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