
I have a utility to do a quick analysis of my decMMDD.log file to
discover test effectiveness.  If anyone would like to use it, I have it
available for free from my website:  http://www.wamusa.com/wamtools   

The program is designed for LOGLEVEL MID but it may work for other
levels.  My system analyzed this 120Mb decMMDD.log in less than one
minute.  This is a sample output:

                                  Message             Recipient
                Test Name       Fail Count %    Fail Count %

                 WEIGHT10        116362   96     169684   96
                 SNIFFER2        114790   94     167322   95
                 WEIGHT15        112700   93     165299   94
                 WEIGHT20        108443   89     159758   91
                WEIGHTDEL        108443   89     159758   91
                  SPAMCOP         84740   70     129602   73
                      SBL         52552   43      53879   30
                     AHBL         48506   40      57094   32
                      CBL         46445   38      89827   51
                     DSBL         39527   32      77743   44
               SORBS-DUHL         29673   24      58427   33
                   REVDNS         28996   23      41544   23
               BADHEADERS         27493   22      34922   19
               SORBS-SPAM         25119   20      27995   15
             NOPOSTMASTER         22488   18      46530   26
                  NOABUSE         21746   17      42732   24
              SPAMHEADERS         19613   16      20587   11
             SPAM-DOMAINS         15263   12      33776   19
                  ROUTING         12041    9      25060   14
                  FOREIGN         10098    8      16330    9
                GIBBERISH          9072    7       9932    5
                      DSN          8484    7      13755    7
               SORBS-HTTP          6584    5      12459    7
              SORBS-SOCKS          6508    5      12697    7
                  SPFFAIL          4954    4       6527    3
               BLITZEDALL          3350    2       5991    3
                   BASE64          2252    1       2956    1
                 MAILFROM          1684    1       2841    1
                 COMMENTS          1328    1       2056    1
             MYFILTERFAIL          1159    0       1723    0
                     WAMO           585    0        609    0
             MYFILTERPASS           512    0       1239    0
               SORBS-MISC           504    0        923    0
               SORBS-SMTP           445    0       1132    0
              OBFUSCATION           360    0        457    0
                     ORDB           316    0        654    0
                SORBS-WEB           316    0        514    0
             SORBS-ZOMBIE           280    0        280    0
                  SPFPASS           208    0        234    0
             BONDEDSENDER            62    0         62    0
                  @LINKED            10    0         14    0
                   HABEAS             4    0          4    0
                 WAMCHECK             1    0          2    0

            Message Count        120934          175163

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul Fuhrmeister
> Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 5:11 PM
> Subject: [Declude.Virus] Scott, what do you use to generate 
> this report
> Thanks Scott,
> While I have your attention, what do you use to generate this 
> report from your log files?
> > Each month, we go through our spamtraps (E-mail addresses
> > designed to collect spam), to find out which spam tests
> >  were most effective at catching spam. <snip>
> >
> >
> > WEIGHT10        99.48%
> > WEIGHT20        95.45%
> > SNIFFER         94.06%
> > SPAMCHK         93.20%
> > IPNOTINMX       90.76%
> > SPAMCOP         79.83%
> > CMDSPACE        77.37%
> <snip> 
> ---
> [This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus 

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