Title: Message
I think there is a misunderstanding (possibly on MY side).
>> DUL/DYNA/DUHL tests from hitting your own local users when they are sending E-mail (only one hop and typically dynamic/residential), Declude disables any dnsbl, ip4r or rhsbl test when they have one of those strings in the name <<
I was aware that DUL/DYNA/DUHL only checks the LAST hop (the server connnecting to you) - but doesn't check the prior hops.  The idea is, that of course, ANY valid dial-up user will eventually appear in the first hop - the one to his provider's mail server.  But a dial-up user should never be contacting YOUR mail server directly - so the LAST hop should not come from a dial-up user.
What you are saying sounds almost like the reverse?
>> I found that on locally hosted E-mail, this test would be defeated if the spammer forged a local address. <<
You mean forging an IP address?  Or forging a FROM address?  I don't believe Declude "trusts" the from address - of course it will be forged for spam!?
>> Every user on my system uses AUTH and I'm on IMail 8 so I can take advantage of WHITELIST AUTH.  The issue now is that when a spammer forges a locally hosted address in the Mail From, Declude is still disabling all dnsbl, ip4r and rhsbl tests that contain either DUL, DYNA or DUHL in the name, and this now represents a weakness instead of a benefit. <<
I use AUTH as well without problems. If you don't want the DUL/DYNA/DUHL, then why are you using those strings?

Best Regards
Andy Schmidt

H&M Systems Software, Inc.
600 East Crescent Avenue, Suite 203
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458-1846

Phone:  +1 201 934-3414 x20 (Business)
Fax:    +1 201 934-9206


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matt
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 02:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] DUL skipping was ISBLANK is blank


Since I started this thread, I'll try to answer what's at issue here.

Declude has functionality to only scan the last hop on any dnsbl, ip4r and rhsbl test when it has either DUL, DYNA or DUHL in the name of the test.  This is done in order to protect you from scoring hits on dial-up or residential IP's when they weren't the connecting server and when you are using Declude to score on multiple hops (I believe this is version restricted).

In order to keep these DUL/DYNA/DUHL tests from hitting your own local users when they are sending E-mail (only one hop and typically dynamic/residential), Declude disables any dnsbl, ip4r or rhsbl test when they have one of those strings in the name.  This was very useful until IMail 8 came along and they started providing an indication of whether or not AUTH was used in the Q*.SMD file.  When IMail 8 did that, Scott introduced a function called WHITELIST AUTH that will whitelist any E-mail that is AUTH'd.

Every user on my system uses AUTH and I'm on IMail 8 so I can take advantage of WHITELIST AUTH.  The issue now is that when a spammer forges a locally hosted address in the Mail From, Declude is still disabling all dnsbl, ip4r and rhsbl tests that contain either DUL, DYNA or DUHL in the name, and this now represents a weakness instead of a benefit.  So for users that have IMail 8, where all of their users are whitelisted either by IP or by AUTH, it would be nice to turn this functionality off.

Something that seemed to confuse you was the fact that I am using several tests twice like so:

XBL(LAST)        dnsbl    %IP4R%.sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org    6    0
XBL(ALL)            ip4r    sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org                  2    0

The reason why I do this is because I score on multiple hops, and instead of having XBL score exactly the same on every hop, I created a work around so that it would score higher on the last hop, and lower if it only hit one of the prior hops.  The prior hop functionality helps with catching spam that is relayed from one open relay to another open relay, or worse yet, from an open relay to a legitimate mail server.  At the same time there are lots of IP's in some of these lists that have long since been fixed/closed and are sending only legitimate E-mail through legitimate servers, and only adding a few points helps protect from false positives.

The former kludge that I used was to use (DYNA) in the name of the test that I only wanted to score on the last hop, but this morning, I found that on locally hosted E-mail, this test would be defeated if the spammer forged a local address.  By changing the test to how it appears as XBL(LAST) in the above example, I'm creating a way to score only the last hop without it being defeated when a local address is forged and DUL/DYNA/DUHL appears in the name.

The short answer is that in the example above for XBL(LAST), using the dnsbl/%IP4R% hack, you can construct a test that only hits the last hop (if you are scoring on multiple hops like I am).

It's convoluted, but it works, and I do recommend doing it, but only if you understand how it works and why it is useful.


Don Brown wrote:
Friday, May 14, 2004, 11:36:22 AM, R. Scott Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I seem to have broken things worse :)  Is there any reason why the 
following wouldn't work?

XBL(LAST)        dnsbl    %REMOTEIP%.sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org
   6    0

I tested the DUL lists using this format and it seemed to be 
working.  Here's the headers from a single hop test that tripped on the
ip4r version of XBL and returned the proper %REMOTEIP% in the headers:

RSP> The problem here is that the remote IP is, so Declude JunkMail
RSP> will create "".  But, you really want
RSP> "".  Fortunately, you can use:

RSP> XBL(LAST)        dnsbl    %IP4R%.sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org    6
RSP>     0

RSP> which should do what you want.

RSP>                                                     -Scott

Since sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org is an ip4r list, doesn't the below do the
same thing as using %IP4R% as shown above? If not, what is the

     SBL-ALL ip4r sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org


Don Brown - Dallas, Texas USA     Internet Concepts, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       http://www.inetconcepts.net
(972) 788-2364                    Fax: (972) 788-5049

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