My logic was - if I use a "copy" to another user, this really shouldn't effect how the "primary" recipient's mail is acted on. From my tests it seems as if DELETE/HOLD/BOUNCE basically are "killer" actions that cannot be combined with ANY other action (other than "LOG/IGNORE")?

I have the need to DELETE/HOLD/BOUNCE the "original" message - while (depending on test combinations) also route the mail to a special mailbox for inspection.

Actually, I believe the COPYTO action should be safe to use with other actions. The problem, though, is that if combined with the DELETE action the E-mail is deleted (so the extra recipient won't get the E-mail), if the HOLD action is used, the E-mail will be held (also preventing the extra recipient from seeing it), and with BOUNCE the E-mail is not delivered to the recipient (so the extra recipient won't see it either).

It sounds like you are looking to split a single E-mail into two, and have different actions taken on each one (something we are considering, but likely will not happen soon).

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