Spammers are getting smart. This spam did not fail any of the test we have in place using (near) default Declude tests. It scored 0 points.

Bonno Bloksma
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 9:15 AM
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] COMBO-Filter solution for todays german polite emails

Hi all,
Maybe interesting for german/european email admins:
Some hours ago someone/something has started to send german messages trough the internet containing politic statements.
At the first moment it seems very difficult to filter out this type of messages comming from different IPs
But with the following COMBO filters I can see excellent results
POLIT-CONTENT filter C:\IMail\Declude\lists\filter_polit_content.txt   x 0 0
# contains different tipical body keywords
# in any case 0 points

POLIT-QMAIL filter C:\IMail\Declude\lists\filter_polit_qmail.txt   x 0 0
# all this messages contains ".qmail@" in the header (message-id part)
# in any case 0 points

POLIT-UMLAUT filter C:\IMail\Declude\lists\filter_polit_umlaut.txt   x 0 0
# All messages doesn't contain any german "umlaut" and special characters (ä, ö, ü, ß)
# in any case 0 points
# should avoid false positives

POLIT-COMBO filter C:\IMail\Declude\lists\filter_polit_COMBO.txt   x 0 0
# The logic behind this filter:
# skip if no POLIT-CONTENT body keyword and no POLIT-QMAIL header string was found
# skip if any special german character (POLIT-UMLAUT) was found
# Add 100 points if HELOBOGUS has failed (all this messages has a random generated helo string)
Filter-files can be downloaded from http://www.zcom.it/decludeupdater/polit_filter.zip

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