Title: Message
Hi Scott:
I figured out a way (using Filters) on how to "conditionally" either "DELETE" or "ROUTETO". So I got half of my project covered.
For my second half... Since the RouteTo and CopyTo actions can only be combined with certain other actions (e.g., I can't do a COPYTO followed by a BOUNCE, etc), can I at least combine:
    ALERT   with
in other words, can I send an "alert" to the sender but also use ROUTETO to prevent the message from being delivered to the original recipient?
PS: I frankly don't understand why "COPYTO" wouldn't work all the time - after all, the purpose is to make a copy. Copying is something that should always be possible, as long as you do it BEFORE you execute any "final disposition" action.

Best Regards
Andy Schmidt

Phone:  +1 201 934-3414 x20 (Business)
Fax:    +1 201 934-9206


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