> I'm writing a new TEST (actually it is a handler that pretends to be
> a  TEST.)

No diff, obviously.

> So  until I figure out why my program causes Declude to never return
> I  was  wondering  if  there is a command line switch for Declude to
> cause it to flush itself out of the process queue.

This,  if it existed, would be scarcely different from ending the task
using  Task  Manager; it would enumerate PIDs and try to end them. You
might  try  using  KILL.EXE (from the Resource Kit) in such situations
for a stronger tonic.

> And if anyone has some ideas why Declude isn't returning I'd be very
> interested.  The  perl script and the executable version both exit 0
> which  is my understand as they should. And they do run run from the
> command line just fine.

Does  _Declude_  run from the command line (against a Q file, not just
on  its  own)?  If  so,  check  that  the  IMail service accounts have
permissions equivalent to the interactive (Administrator?) session.


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

SpamAssassin plugs into Declude!

Defuse Dictionary Attacks: Turn Exchange Addresses into IMail Aliases!

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