Yep, it's there but same diff.  I believe that what happens with all of these commands is that Windows first enumerates all of the files before taking any action, and that makes sense being that the location of the files is only logically oriented.  Seemingly however, the pause while it enumerates seems exponential in relation to the number of files.  The root of the problem is the method that Windows uses and how it falls to pieces under conditions like this.  My initial guestimation may be incorrect, this could be a million files or more now that I understand what created them.  This is the result of multiple prolonged full force dictionary attacks on a gateway running ORF for domain validation (not full address validation)...Someone else is helping to find a fix for the condition that created the backup of files without having to register every last address on each gateway.  It's sad that what I believe is just one spammer is executing these DDOS attacks on gateways with such ferocity and no regard to the size of the domain.  For the moment, this MX server is useless to me due to the volume of bad E-mail until that fix is in place.


Terry Fritts wrote:
no native deltree in Windows

If Win2k should be rmdir /S  but I don't remember when this was added.

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