Ok, that's where I was getting confused. Didn't have the countries file, couldn't find it on the site anywhere.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dan Geiser
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Country Configuration?

Hello, Doug,
I would recommend using the COUNTRY/COUNTRIES functionality in a filter.  Here is how I do it...
1.  Download the file, http://www.declude.com/release/179/all_list.dat, and place it in the directory that your GLOBAL.CFG file is in.
2.  Add the following...
This will add a header in each e-mail which shows you the countries that own each IP that a message passes through.
3.  Add the following...
FILTER-COUNTRY  filter  D:\IMail\declude\JunkMail.01.Filter.Country.txt  x 0 0
This will tell the GLOBAL.CFG file to use the filter file referenced above.
4.  Create a file called JunkMail.01.Filter.Country.txt and place it in the same directory as GLOBAL.CFG.
I have attached my JunkMail.01.Filter.Country.txt  file.  Keep in mind I HOLD on 100 and DELETE on 300 and that my countries are heavily scaled towards the countries that our customers receive e-mail from.
COUNTRY adds points for the last country in the chain.  COUNTRIES adds points for a country anywhere in the chain.
Let me know if it makes sense or not.
Dan Geiser
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 10:52 AM
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] Country Configuration?

After looking at the manual/archives and getting a little more confused I've decided to consult the masses.
What would be the easiest way of adding a few points for emails NOT orgininating from Canada, US, and Mexico?
We have users in all three areas so I'm guessing the nonenglish won't work because we have english, spanish, and french emails traveling through.
I just want to add 2 or 3 points for Non Canada/US/Mexico emails because what I'm doing now (endswith .ac, endwith ad...) needs to be enhanced somehow.
I'm running 1.75

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