
That's a good question and one that I was wondering about myself.  Sniffer isn't hyperthreaded, but by it's nature, that has no ill effects on the application, although it would perform better with it off.  It is just simply lean enough that it shouldn't be maxing out a processor before the bulk of Declude and IMail does.  Maybe with persistent Sniffer it would make some sense to make it multi-processor capable, but on the flipside, the leanness of the application might add more overhead than benefit when made multi-processor aware (I have no idea where the point is that a benefit would be found).  On a dual 3 GHz hyperthreaded system, Sniffer's single thread is undetectable, and on a dual 1 GHz system run to capacity, it was barely noticeable when using the persistent mode.

With Declude there is more opportunity for refinement due to the overhead in some configurations (especially custom filters).  Declude is multi-processor capable and it can use a lot of processor over periods of several seconds as it goes from virus scanning to spam blocking to message handling.  The big determining factor probably has more to do with how many processes might be running at one time.  On my system we typically have 5-10 processes running simultaneously during peak hours, and I'm thinking that the number of processes should play into the determination.  Much of the CPU overhead comes with the virus scanning, especially if you are running two scanners, and it appears that this stuff is also multi-processor capable.  So it seems like the norm for this stuff, but I am not sure if it would be better or worse with it off.

I just wanted to add some thoughts of mine that would play into the logic for someone with the experience that would know.  I could probably do a stress test at some point to get a better idea, but that would be a big production considering the distance to my server and the hours that I would need to do this at.  Maybe we have some other volunteers :)  I'm thinking that a 5,000 message load with a scannable attachment dropped into a MS SMTP instance to relay off of IMail/Declude tried both ways ought to show the difference.


Kevin Bilbee wrote:
Speaking of hyperthreading has anyone checked the performance of
Imail/declude with hyperthreading turned on and off. I know some apps have
showed better perforamnce with hyperthreading turned off.

Kevin Bilbee

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Sanford Whiteman
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2004 3:22 PM
To: Keith Johnson
Subject: Re[4]: [Declude.JunkMail] Filter file maintenance suggestion

What  type  of  CPU overhead do you experience with running SA/SPAMD
with  Declude?  I saw the tech doc and it mentioned that it takes up
20MB of memory for each config file load in serial.
Memory, shmemory. Pretty cheap stuff. :)

Are  you  aware of anyone running this on machines pulling over 200K
emails each day?
Yes,  but not on _mailbox servers_. These are dedicated relay/scanning
boxes,  purpose  built  with  RAID 0+1 and two (four w/hyperthreading)
CPUs. You have to know what you're building for.


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

SpamAssassin plugs into Declude!

Defuse Dictionary Attacks: Turn Exchange or IMail mailboxes into IMail

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MailPure custom filters for Declude JunkMail Pro.

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