> I strongly recommend that you just simply keep these in their Q* and
> D*  formats and zip up the directories every night and write them to
> a CD or something every so often.

Like  I  keep  trying  to  say,  this  isn't  an  "every  so often" or
best-effort regulation. It's strict and for-real.

> .  .  .  you  can easily write something that would unzip the files,
> search for addresses in the Q* files, and copy the needed files to a
> directory  when  needed.

Searches  are  almost  always  by  keyword,  not  by user. This is why
full-text indexing of body and attachment is a must.

And  the restrictions on outside auditor access, et al. are too long a
list to satisfy here. Just remember that this question relates to SOX,
not random measures under the umbrella of archiving.


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

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